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Sophia Savage confirms the quirky film 0 Comments

By Uong Jowo
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 | Posted in ,

TOH!‘s Sophia Savage confirms the quirky film will have audiences chuckling and charmed, while THR writes: “Kittelsen’s performance is the linchpin of the film—her open, emotive face reveals as much about her thoughts as her poor impulse control.” Variety’s review calls it “a winning comedy that gets good-natured fun out of characters behaving quite badly,” adding that “a terrific Greek-chorus device restores good humor at the darkest moments: merrily incongruous entre’act performances of traditional American spirituals and hymns by an a cappella male quartet.”

The Norwegian Oscar Committee has submitted Anne Switsky’s feature directorial debut, Happy, Happy, to Best Foreign-Language Feature Film, after it took the top prize at Sundance. Happy, Happy‘s victory at Sundance marked the first time that a Norwegian film won fest’s World Cinema Grand Jury Prize.The film, which stars Agnes Kittelsen, Henrik Rafaelsen, Maibritt Saerens and Joachim Rafaelsen, tells of story two couples with complicated and semi-comedic relationships in neighboring homes. The meeting of the pairs causes each spouse to questions their relationships, but despite the drama, Happy, Happy manages to stay charming and true to its title.

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